Kumawood actress Portia Asare has come under fire after being accused of disrespect by her colleague, actress Christiana Awuni. In a recent interview, Christiana Awuni didn’t hold back, describing Portia as a hypocrite.
According to Awuni, Portia often has issues with her co-stars on set, creating tension among the cast. She went on to explain how Portia disrespects some of her colleagues and even gossips about them behind their backs.
Christiana Awuni’s comments have added fuel to the ongoing rumours surrounding Portia Asare, particularly in light of her failed marriage.
Portia, who went through a highly publicized divorce a few years ago, has been in the spotlight not just for her acting but also for her personal life.
Some have speculated that the stress from her marital issues might have influenced her behaviour on set, contributing to the conflicts she now faces with her colleagues.
Awuni pointed out that if Portia continues to have problems with everyone around her, it might be time for some self-reflection.
She urged Portia to take a closer look at her character and consider making positive changes for the better.
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