On Friday, September 20, 2024, renowned gospel musician Kofi Owusu Dua Anto, also referred to as KODA, will be buried.
The KICC Dominion Centre on Spintex Road, close to the Coca-Cola Roundabout in Accra, is the location of the private funeral service. It is requested that attendees wear all white.
At the age of 45, KODA passed away on Sunday, April 24, leaving behind a rich musical legacy. He has made a lasting impact on the gospel music world with songs like “Nsempii,” “Nkwa Abodoo,” “Yapai,” and “Adorso.”
The multiple-award-winning musician was well-known for both his production skills, which helped to define the sound of gospel music, and his enthusiasm for spreading the word.
He has produced songs for a number of well-known artists over the years, including the late Danny Nettey, Ps. Joe Beechem, Nii Okai, Halal Afrika, and Eugene Zuta.
For many years to come, Ghanaian gospel music and other regions will be influenced by KODA.