
Ignore IEA And Dr Bawumia’s Proposal For Irrelevant Presidential Debate – Comrade Baba Iddrisu

Jean Mensah’s irrelevant Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), the vice president, flagbearer of the NPP, and leader of the economic management team (EMT), Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, calls for presidential debate to regain lost relevance and woeful failure, respectively, after a long wait till Ghana’s economic collapse.


The caucus for mature Democrats has noted with disappointment and serious anger in a viral video that the vice president of Ghana, who is also the leader of the economic management team, and current flag-bearer of the ruling NPP, is asking to debate with the former president, H.E. John Dramani Mahama, on his failed economic policies that have seen our economy downgraded to junk status and further rendered the Bank of Ghana (bog), liquidity insolvent.


The question CMD asks Dr. Bawumia is: What has changed? The vice president told none other than John Dramani Mahama, who challenged the ruling NPP to a debate in the past, to go and debate the artisans and market women who are suffering because of the high cost of living at a time when a gallon of petrol was only GHC14 and a bowl of maize was GHC2.


Today, under the self-imposed competent economic management team, what do we have? We have Ghanaians buying not a gallon of petrol but a litter at GHC 15, and a bowl of maize is now bought at GHC 17. Our question to Bawumia, the leader of the economic management team, is: How many litters of petrol make a gallon under him today? One would need more than GH¢50 to buy a single gallon of petrol today because a gallon should be more than three litters.


Why does Bawumia need the debate he rejected yesterday? He must explain to the good people of Ghana 🇬🇭.  He has lied enough, and Ghanaians have now noticed exactly who he is, a liar.


Don’t forget, he promised the chief imam that, when he and his NPP are voted for in 2016, he will build one (1) model Islamic secondary school in each of our 16 regions. In effect, we should be boasting of 16 Islamic secondary schools today. Is that really the case? No. Bawumia has not built a single Islamic secondary school in almost 8 years in office.


Now let us channel our attention to the irrelevant Jean Mensah’s Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA).


Please permit the caucus to make some important observations in view of the think tank called, the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), which undoubtedly belongs to the current electoral commissioner, Jezebel Adukwei Jean Mensa.


IEA, in our view, is exploring all possible avenues to organize a presidential debate between the NDC’s competent flag bearer, H.E. John Dramani Mahama, and the most experienced liar/comic reliever in the history of Ghana’s political theatre, Dr Bawumia.


Why did IEA remain silent from the Ayawaso West Wuogon shooting incident and reports of a commission of inquiry, subsequent to the shooting and killing of 8 innocent citizens, the occupation of Bog, Ken Ofori Atta’s sacked demonstrations, the Akufo Addo’s waste of $20,000 per hour, and many others?


The caucus wants to put it plain before the IEA to stop seeking non-existent relevance from the NDC and Ghanaians. We have clearly seen them and cautioned them not to try and anger us more or overtest the patience of Ghanaians, because we would never give them the relevance they need again. So they should bow out peacefully.


If our memory serves us right, in 2008, at the same institution, before organizing a presidential debate for the presidential candidates, there was an allegation of leaked questions to the then NPP candidate who was even in government, to arm them and make them well prepared ahead of their NDC opponent.


Nonetheless, the presidential candidate at that time, H.E. J.E.A. MILLS, of blessed memory, was able to do virtually all the virtually all the justice  to all the questions as a professor and academician.


Fast forward, in 2018, the most competent, efficient, effective, transparent, result-oriented and above all, god fearing, Charlotte Osei from the office as chairperson for no wrong done, than alleging of procurement breaches on the logo of the commission.


She honestly spoke the minds of Ghanaians by declaring the mother serpent of corruption just once, Nana Addo, as the “president elect”!!!


The mother serpent of corruption brought Adukwei Jean Mensa to replace her to head the electoral commission of Ghana, and what did we see or experience after the 2020 general elections???


She declared NANA ADDO as the winner of the general elections on several different counts with several different conflicting figures which were very clear for every reasoning Ghanaian and the world to see how incompetent and inefficient jean is as the commissioner.


Jezebel Adukwei Jean Mensa was compensated for her role as the founder of IEA and the presidential debate her outfit organized because she had, behind the scenes fed/leaked the questions to her paymasters, the NPP!!!


In the round up to the 2016 general elections, we could hear the IEA on countless occasions discussing economic issues in the country and painting a very bad picture of the John Mahama led administration as the worst government since independence.

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Today, after she was rewarded with the highest portfolio of the office of the electoral commissioner, her think tank, institute of economic affairs has become a toothless bull dog watching helplessly while President Nana Addo wasted $20,000 per hour, Dishonourable Ken Ofori Atta recklessly borrowed to the point where our country can never even service both our local and foreign debts and IEA are still quiet.


IEA remained silently helpless while Dishonourable Ernest Addison, the governor of bog illegally printed about ghc60 billion without parliament and cabinet approval. IEA has even lost its sight to see the downturn of the economy of this country simply because her party is now on the driving seat, steering the affairs of the country into the ditch.


Where did we go wrong as a country where think tanks will be critical of a certain group of people in government but will inadvertently become blind in the tenure of the other group?


To set the records straight, H.E JOHN DRAMANI MAHAMA and the NDC, should never honor any invitation from this wayward institute of economic affairs to debate with any presidential candidate whatsoever.


For all you know it will never be surprising if the flag bearer of the NPP has handed a “fat envelope” to IEA to champion his call for a debate just to gain some relevance. Behind the scenes, most Ghanaians will think it’s the IEA’s idea of organizing the debate but on the contrary, it’s the NPP.


It must be noted however that the NDC does not fear to have a debate with whoever is vying for the presidency of this country but we shall not stoop so low to have a debate with a globally acclaimed liar in terms of governance and the economy.


His prime motive is to use the NDC and its flag bearer as a conduit to rejuvenate his political life which is already dead and rotten.


Both the die-hard supporters and the floating voters in this country do not see any sense or value of having any debate because everyone can testify to the poor management of NPP in this country over the years.


The focus of NDC as a major party therefore is to listen to the suffering and cries of Ghanaian people and do the needful to relieve them from their suffering and hunger.


Comrade Sammy Gyamfi Esq has been articulating and playing back the record of Bawumia the failed economist to the hearts and minds of Ghanaians on the NDC 360 show and it sinks deeper into the hearts of every listener and watcher.👂the country must be rescued from the nation wreckers for the sake of the unborn generation🙏


We all heard of the appointment made recently to Ghana police service, Cop Christian Tetteh Yohuno…he is a fine police officer but, a deputy IGP in charge of operations, what operations are they talking about?


The caucus must finally place on record that, Jezebel Jean Mensah must stop her nonsense talk and ensure she does the right thing. She can never force someone to accept a wrong dose of a bitter pill like she did to Ghanaians in election 2020.


A repeat of that means, we have all agreed we would destroy Ghana and rebuild it again because, such deliberate shooting and killing of innocent citizens will be resisted with superior violence and aggression. She should ensure the verdict is delivered only once with accurate figures and results, and there would be no problem.


Dr Mahamudu Bawumia must tackle the depreciation of the cedi, GDP, inflation, cost of living, reduction of fuel prices among others and stop talking about debate. Who gave him the guts to think he can debate john Mahama who is very knowledgeable and visionary enough to be his university lecturer?


The national peace council must stop talking about peace when they have never officially condemned the shooting and killing of 8 innocent citizens in election 2020, or follow up to know the extent of investigations conducted into the shooting and killing, brief Ghanaians and help work out compensation for family of victims before Ghanaians can see they are actually working.


The IEA must stop talking about debate and also stay away from this December 7th 2024 general election because we are very ready for it, placing Ghana  first above everything and we are livid. Stay away please.🙏


In the first place, the caucus urges all members of the NDC to eschew skirt and blouse, put aside preferences as to which MP is good and who is not good and vote for the larger benefits and interest of Ghana and citizens.


We also urge Ghanaians to reject NPP and vote massively for JM and his able lieutenants throughout the country to help the next government in building the Ghana ,we want become easy to implement to accelerate stability, development, growth and prosperity for all citizens.


Contact Comrade Baba Iddrisu on +233245413229 for more.


Source: dailygossipsonline.com

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